Blue0x Currencies

Blue0x Currencies

Blue0x Currencies are a medium of exchange for real-world goods and services. In short, they are money accepted as a method of payment in their respective regions. Each currency is issued with a total supply and no additional units can be created beyond that total supply.

All Blue0x Currencies are exchangeable with one another, which lays the groundwork for a state of the art, international payment system.

Blue0x Currency transactions require a 0.01 BLX fee to be executed.

Currencies Currently In Circulation:

  • AUDX - Australian Dollar - 1.6 trillion total supply
  • CADX - Canadian Dollar - 1.5 trillion total supply
  • CHFX - Swiss Franc - 600 billion total supply
  • CNYX - Chinese Yuan - 6.8 trillion total supply
  • EURX - Euro - 10.2 trillion total supply
  • GBPX - British Pound - 2.2 trillion total supply
  • IQDX - Iraqi Dinar - 15 trillion total supply
  • IRRX - Iranian Rial - 100 trillion total supply
  • JPYX - Japanese Yen - 100 trillion total supply
  • NZDX - New Zealand Dollar - 118 billion total supply
  • RUBX - Russian Ruble - 50 trillion total supply
  • USDX - United States Dollar - 18 trillion total supply

Prospective Currencies:

  • To Be Determined